Coupons come in many shapes and sizes. We have seen them all! Whether you need a perforated coupon as part of your brochure, or a separate piece, or a coupon placed in a mailing we can help. We produce basic black and white, eye-catching full-color, and everything in between on every type of paper. Our Direct Mail program delivers your coupons in a cost effective manner. Using our indicia at no extra fee, postage rates are around $.26/each locally. If you don't have sufficient data, we filter databases and match up demographics that closely reflect your average customer. Coupons are a means of capturing additional business and we use our knowledge and expertise to help get the biggest results.
MMP Powell SE Portland
3382 SE 20th Ave
(20th & Powell)
Portland, OR 97202
8:00-5:00 Monday-Friday
(Saturdays by appointment)